IndianOil Corp commences testing cleaner diesel
New Delhi   28-Dec-2016

IndianOil Corporation's Mathura refinery has dispatched BS(Bharat Stage) VI high-speed diesel(HSD) to two auto companies to test viability and compatibility as part of its efforts to provide cleaner fuel for an ecofriendly environment.

“Though the government has set a very stringent target of April 2017 for meeting BS IV and April 2020 for BS VI standard fuel quality, the Mathura refinery has completed the target ahead of the set deadline,” said SM Vaidya, GM, IOC Mathura Refinery.

Vaidya said, “BS VI standard HSD will contain only 10 PPM sulphur and motor spirit will be high standard also. Since MS VI is also ready for testing, the refinery is having an interaction with automobile companies on this count.” BS VI standard HSD and BS VI standard motor spirit, according to Vaidya, were prepared in the refinery without addition of any machinery. By October 2017, a new unit will go on stream at the refinery, where only BS VI standard HSD and high quality motor spirit will be produced on a mass scale. BS VI compliant HSD and MS fuel would enable automobile industries to re-design and test their engines with upgraded BS VI fuel in Indian climatic and road conditions.

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