Railroad Greases
SERVO Gem RR 3 is a premium quality lithium soap grease manufactured from high viscosity index base oils. This grease has excellent resistance to water washout, superior oxidation and structural stability and high degree of anti-rust and anti-corrosion properties. It meets specification AAR M-942-81 except for consistency and passes SKF Emcor corrosion test. This grease is specially developed for lubrication of anti-friction bearings of railway axle boxes, locomotives and electric motors to give longer service life. It is compatible with SERVO Gem 3.
SERVO Grease RR 1
SERVO Grease RR 1 is a premium lithium-calcium grease manufactured from high viscosity index base oils. This grease has excellent resistance to water washout,superior oxidation and structural stability and high degree on anti-rust and anti-corrosion properties. It generally meets AAR M-942-81 specification and passes emcor corrosion test. This grease has been specially developed for lubrication of cartridge type taper roller bearing for railways.
Contact Us

For Business Enquiries
Vikas Bahl
Chief General Manager (Lube Sales), Mktg HO
IndianOil Bhavan
G-9, Ali Yavar Jung Marg,
Bandra (East), Mumbai
Tel: 022-26447651
: vikasb[at]indianoil[dot]in

For Technical Enquiries
Abhijit Sen Roy
General Manager (Technical Services), Mktg HO
IndianOil Bhavan
G-9 Ali Yavar Jung Marg
Bandra (East), Mumbai
Tel: 022-26447043
Email: royas[at]indianoil[dot]in

For Lube Sales Outside India
Vineet Kaul
General Manager (Lube Exports), Mktg HO
IndianOil Bhavan
G-9 Ali Yavar Jung Marg
Bandra (East), Mumbai
:022-26447906, +918879667328
Email: vkaul[at]indianoil[dot]in