Integrity Pact
IndianOil adopts Integrity Pact
IndianOil has entered into a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Transparency International India (TII) in January 2008, for implementing Integrity Pact Programme focussed on enhancing transparency in its contracts and procurement processes. IndianOil believes in total transparency, integrity and accountability in its functioning as a prerequisite for achieving its Vision of becoming a major diversified, transnational, integrated energy major. It values its business relationships with its numerous domestic and international contractors and vendors of goods, works and services and is committed to dealing with them in a fair and transparent manner by maintaining the highest ethical standards in its transactions with them.
The MoU was signed by Mr. Sarthak Behuria, Chairman, IndianOil, and Admiral (Retd.) R H Tahiliani, former Chief of Naval Staff and Chairman of TII. Under the MoU, IndianOil is committed to implementing the Integrity Pact in all its major procurement, works and services contract activities. A panel of Independent External Monitors nominated by Central Vigilance Commission (CVC) shall monitor the activities. The Integrity Pact would strengthen established systems and procedures by creating trust.
Transparency International India, launched in 1997, is the Indian Chapter of Berlin-based Transparency International (TI). The Integrity Pact Programme was launched in the mid-90s by TI to create 'islands of Integrity' through a voluntary contract between the buyer and the seller to eliminate unfair practices. It establishes mutual contractual rights and obligations and brings transparency and enhances the credibility of the organizations.
Implementation of Integrity Pact in IndianOil
IndianOil has adopted Integrity Pact from 15th July, 2008. Details of the Integrity Pact are given below :
Integrity Pact Documents :
- 1. MoU between IndianOil & Transparency International India
- 2. Declaration by IndianOil
- 3. Letter to be submitted by the Tenderer along with the tender documents
- 4. Format of Integrity Agreement between IndianOil & the Tenderer
Details of IndianOil's Nodal Officer & Independent External Monitors (IEMs) for Implementation of Integrity Pact
Any tender-related complaints, for tenders covered under IP (i.e., tenders of Rs. 10 Crore and above), shall be addressed to the Nodal Officer or to IEMs on their common e-mail ID, i.e.,
Nodal Officer
Mr. Sanjay Kumar
ED (Corporate Affairs & Law), Corporate Office
E-mail: skumar2[at]indianoil[dot]in
- Mr. Ashok V Subhedar, Vice Admiral (Retd.)
- Mr. K.D. Tripathi,IAS (Retd.)
- Ms. Niva Singh,IRAS (Retd.)
IP Secretariat
IndianOil Corporation Limited,
Room No. 514, 5th Floor,
Core 6, Scope Complex,
Lodhi Road,
New Delhi - 110003
E-mail: iem-iocl[at]indianoil[dot]in