Industrial Speciality Oils
White Oils for cosmetics / pharmaceutical / plastics applications
SERVO Whitepol, commonly known as Light Liquid Paraffin (LLP), is a recent launch by IndianOil. It is a technical grade white oil made from highly refined paraffinic base stocks and further purified through rigorous processes and control. It is a speciality white-oil for use in assorted industries such as plastics, petrochemicals, incense sticks, shoe polish, etc.
Quenching Oils
SERVOquench 11
SERVOquench 11 is quenching oil blended from high viscosity index base stocks having good oxidation stability, good fluidity and low volatility. This oil is used for normal quenching operations on a wide variety of steel parts such as nuts and bolts, ball bearings, certain types of brake drums and meets IS: 2664-1980 straight mineral type, grade medium specifications.
Heat Transfer Fluids:
SERVOtherm / Medium
SERVOtherm oils are specially developed mineral oils for use in heat transfer industrial application. These oils possess excellent thermal and oxidation stability, low volatility and low vapour pressure to give long and trouble free service life in heat transfer systems. SERVOtherm Medium is recommended for well designed heat transfer systems upto 3000C
SERVOtherm Special
SERVOtherm Special is a premium heat transfer fluid manufactured from carefully selected base stocks and contains selected additives. This oil with its low sulphur content and low CCR value would provide superior performance. It is recommended for well designed heat transfer systems operating upto 3150C.
SERVOtherm Super
SERVOtherm Super is a superior heat transfer fluid containing selected additives. This oil possesses improved thermal and oxidation stability, low volatility and low vapour pressure to give long and trouble free service life in well designed heat transfer systems. It is recommended for bulk oil temperatures upto 3150C
Rust Preventives
SERVO RP 150 is a superior light bodied rust preventive inhibited with special additives. The oil forms a soft oily film over metal surface when applied by spraying/brushing/dipping and is recommended for protection of workpiece against rusting during in-between operations and short-term indoor and outdoor storage. It is ideally suited for the rust protection of steel sheets during storage and transportation. The oil film can be removed easily by wiping or with the help of a petroleum solvent.
Rubber Extender Oils
IOC Process Oil Medium / Heavy
IOC Process oil medium is a high aromatic heavy bodied rubber process oil. The oil is blended from selected aromatic streams produced during furfural extraction of lube oil and are used in the manufacture of automobile tyres, tread rubber and other dark coloured rubber goods such as battery casings, rubber bushes, etc. These are ASTM 101 type oils.
Contact Us

For Business Enquiries
Vikas Bahl
Chief General Manager (Lube Sales), Mktg HO
IndianOil Bhavan
G-9, Ali Yavar Jung Marg,
Bandra (East), Mumbai
Tel: 022-26447651
: vikasb[at]indianoil[dot]in

For Technical Enquiries
Abhijit Sen Roy
General Manager (Technical Services), Mktg HO
IndianOil Bhavan
G-9 Ali Yavar Jung Marg
Bandra (East), Mumbai
Tel: 022-26447043
Email: royas[at]indianoil[dot]in

For Lube Sales Outside India
Vineet Kaul
General Manager (Lube Exports), Mktg HO
IndianOil Bhavan
G-9 Ali Yavar Jung Marg
Bandra (East), Mumbai
:022-26447906, +918879667328
Email: vkaul[at]indianoil[dot]in