Refinery Inspection Services
IndianOil has full-fledged inspection departments, consisting of qualified Mechanical / Metallurgical Engineers,
in all its refineries to monitor the health of static equipment in the units. IndianOil's R&D Centre also
assists the inspection groups for conducting detailed health assessment of units. The R&D Centre has
state-of-the-art facilities and is staffed with
post-graduates and doctorates in engineering for carrying out failure analysis and health assessment.
A thorough inspection of all equipment, with specific elaborate inspection of critical equipment as identified, is carried out using visual and Non-Destructive Techniques (NDT) such as thermography and radiography. At times, the Applied Metallurgy Group at R&D Centre is also involved to conduct micro-structural analysis to assess equipment health. The facilities available at R&D Centre include microscopic examination, chemical analysis by Alloy analyzer, Scanning Electron Microscopy, In Situ Metallography, Micro Hardness Testing, etc. Based on the inspection studies, recommendations are made for short-term and long-term remedial actions.
IndianOil's inspection teams understand the complexities of all process units of modern refineries and depending on client’s need, IndianOil offers comprehensive inspection services through a highly experienced and qualified professional technical team.
Contact Us

Sandeep Jain
Executive Director
Business Development

Indian Oil Corporation Limited
IndianOil Bhavan
1, Sri Aurobindo Marg,
Yusuf Sarai,
New Delhi - 110016