Refinery O&M Management
IndianOil’s consistently excellent performance over the years, sustained leadership in the industry in the country and Fortune ‘Global 500’ listing have earned it International recognition and credibility. IndianOil has to its credit extensive experience in the field of operation and maintenance of over 200 process units (primary, secondary and treatment units) of its refineries, for over 50 years. The vast experience and the reservoir of experienced and talented technical teams available with IndianOil are equipped to provide world class technical support in all spheres of refinery operation & maintenance management services to different clients.
Over a period of time, IndianOil has absorbed technologies of leading process licensors such as UOP, Chevron, IFP, Stone & Webster, Mobil, Halder Topsoe, KTI / Technip, Axens, Linde, CD-Tech, Stork Comprimo, etc. IndianOil has rich experience in virtually all the refining processes in one or more of its refineries and is in an excellent position to offer its services to any desiring client. Technologies on offer include Distillate/Resid FCCU, Hydrocrackers, Reformers (both semi-regenerative and continuous catalytic regeneration types), Lube processing units including Catalytic Iso-Dewaxing, Cokers, Coke Calciners, Visbreakers, Merox, Hydrotreaters for Kero and Gasoil streams, etc. IndianOil also has units for producing specialty products such as Bitumen, MTBE, Butene-1, Propylene, Xylenes, and other petrochemicals such as Linear Alkyl Benzene, Paraxylene, (PX), Purified Terepthalic Acid (PTA), LLDPE, HDPE, PP, MEG, etc.
IndianOil can provide support in operation & maintenance in areas including all process units and facilities in the refinery units & offsite. IndianOil is committed to continuous improvement in the operation & maintenance practices in order to achieve the highest standard of efficiency and reliability in pursuit of run-length improvement for maximisation of on-stream days. Special attention is given to safety, health and environment protection in the process of operation & maintenance. Several petroleum companies in India and outside have looked upon IndianOil as a source of technical support, and over the years, IndianOil has provided technical expertise to several of them.
All IndianOil refineries are ISO certified. Accordingly, updation of the various manuals is undertaken on a regular basis. For all new units, manuals are prepared on priority. Experienced officers in the respective units / fields, carry out preparation and / or updation of the manuals. A number of clients have greatly benefited by the manuals that are prepared by IndianOil’s experts to suit the requirements of client’s refinery, taking into consideration the design details of the licensors.
In addition, depending on client’s need, IndianOil also offers specialised services of its experts for commissioning / start-up assistance to its clients. The team also prepares operation manuals providing instructions for plant start-up, operation, shutdown, emergency handling, etc.
Contact Us

Sandeep Jain
Executive Director
Business Development

Indian Oil Corporation Limited
IndianOil Bhavan
1, Sri Aurobindo Marg,
Yusuf Sarai,
New Delhi - 110016